

Take multipurpose Gear (带上两用衣物)

  • Reduce space in the luggage(减少行李大小)

  • Zip pants that can be used as shorts(携带可长可短的双节裤)

  • Swim trunks used as a regular shorts(游泳裤可当作短裤)

  • Shoes that look sporty and classic at the same time(穿经典款式的运动鞋)

Motto(格言): "Always be prepared"(美国童子军的口号是“时刻准备着”)

You never known what to expect on the road(你永远不知道旅途中会遭遇什么)

Door into unknown makes travelling excited (旅途的未知让人激动)

Carry a Small First Aid Kit(带上小药箱) Medical things that you need 你需要的医护用品 Tylenol(泰洛) Stomach illness medicine(胃药) eye drops(眼药水) Band-Aids(邦迪) Scissors(剪刀) hydrocortisone cream(过敏药膏) antibacterial ointment(抗菌药膏) a small supply of doctor-approved antibiotics(抗生素)

Know your allergies(知道自己对什么过敏,带上抗过敏药) Know your body(了解自己的身体,需要什么就带上什么)

Have a Place for Useful Tools(带上实用工具)

Nail clipper(指甲刀) Razor(剃须刀) Perfume & Deodorant(香水)

Pack a Small Flashlight(带上手电筒)

Practical tool(非常实用的小工具) Unexpected electricity problems(以防意外停电)

Have a WristWatch (戴上手表) Alwarys gets you updated with time(时刻了解时间) If cellphone out of charge you alwasys have a back up(如果手机没 电了,还可以通过手表知道时间) Note: watch should be able to tell you north and south(买带有指南针的手表)

Weather(天气) Check a weather and prepare clothes accordingly(查看天气,备好衣物) So you do not have to stress out (做好准备就孙必担心坏天气) Be mentally prepared(对坏天气还要做好心理准备)

Bring an Umbrella and Raincoat (带上雨伞、雨衣) Unexpected rain(以免遇到雷震雨) Do not have to stop for unexpected whether conditions(备上雨具后,即便天气突变也不必改变行程)

Study Nonverbal Communication(学习使用非语言交流)

  • Use both verbal and nonverbal communication (语言和非语言交流都要使用)
  • Makes easier to cooperate with people(非语言交流让合作变得更加容易)
  • Respectful( shows that you participate in conversation)(使用非语言交流是一种尊敬)(能够显示你在参 与交谈 )

Vocal tone & Inflections 语音语调 Pointing 指点 Facial expressions 表情 Eye contact 眼神交流 Gestures 手势 Body Language肢体语言

Double Check Your Docs and Schedule(仔细核对文件信息和行程计划) Check passport(核对护照) Check documents, tickets(flight time)(核对文件、票据上的信息,尤其是飞机起飞时间) Check hotel reservation(核对旅店预订信息)

Read about the Place You Go(通过阅读了解你要去的地方)

  • Helps with navigation(打发飞行时间)
  • Builds up confidence(树立信心)
  • Do not ask a lot of questions(了解的越多,旅行中需要问的就越少)

Do a web search of Your hobbies at your Destination(了解当地你感兴趣的娱乐活动)

  • We all have different preferences(我们都有不同的兴趣爱好)
  • Makes a clean plan of what you are going to do and how you are going(清晰列出你要做的事情,并写出如何去实现的具体计划)

Have a Pad(带上平板电脑)

  • Sometimes it gets boring in the bus, subway, or sitting in the park, drinking coffee(坐车或者在公园里无聊时可以娱乐一下)
  • Have a Kindle and original book(带本书或者Kindle)
  • Have music with you : iPod, MP3 Player(带上iPod或MP3)

Reviews(复习) Multipurpose Gear(zip pants, swim trunks, sporty shoes, etc.) a Small First Aid Kit(Tylenol, Band-Aids, scissors, etc.) Useful Tools(nail clipper, razor, flashlight, wristwatch, etc.) Umbrella and Raincoat Study Noverbal Communication Double Check Your Docs and Schedule Read about the Place You Go Do a Web search of Your Hobbies at your Destination Have a Pad , book /Kindle, iPod/MP3 Player


Patience(耐心) is Important


  • The very important thing you should have is patience. ---- Jack Ma

* Prevent from being in bad situation(防止陷入困境)

  • Lose logic(冲动下容易失去理智)

  • Helps your health and mind not to stress out(以免身心过度 疲劳)

Learn Keywords of Local Language

  • Helps taking with locals(当地人)
  • Helps moving around(说”人“话,走遍天下都不怕)
  • In emergency situation [iˈmɜ:dʒənsi] situation, You need to know how to say basic sentences(基本用句)

Wake up Early

  • Avoid traffic * Helps getting to places
  • Local people are more understanding during early morning rather than daytime(早上的人们总会更友好一些)
  • Sketchy areas(危险地带) are less dangerous [ˈsketʃi]

Laugh at yourself

  • You are going to screw up(把事情搞砸)when you are travelling
  • Take it as a lesson(What does not kill you makes you stronger)
  • Be positive(积极向上)

Stash extra cash

  • Stash cash(svae money , put other than regular place) * Helps in emergency
  • If you ran out of money(万一钱花完了)
  • Card blocked/lost(万一卡被锁了/卡丢了)

Meet Local People

  • Helps to understand culture
  • Learn language
  • Use body language, and gestures.

Pack A scarf

  • Useful tool for traveling
  • Can use it: Eye protection , sun protection, Smells, Pillow (枕头), when you cold

Observe Daily Life

  • Spend a little time just observing the daily of the place you are visiting(观察当地每日生活)
  • Pay attention to details like: Smell, Color, Human interaction, Sounds

Backup Everything UP

  • Back Everything up(save info from laptop to secondary source, flash drive)
  • put documents in plastic folder to avoid damage * Rain, For Good Keeping

Take Lots of photos

  • Memories
  • Proves
  • You never know if you will come back to that specific place

There is always a way(车到山前必有路)

  • Nothing is impossible
  • Never give up
  • Stay positive
  • The thing that you want, you will get later(你想要的,迟早会得到)

Smile &Say Hello

  • Look friendly and smile a lot
  • Going to place say hi and greet them(lifts, corridors of hotels or restaurants, lobbies)
  • Be a Happy Person

Splurge A Bit(小挥霍,无大碍)

  • Splurge a bit(going over your budget for the trip or having an extra money for your entertainment or shopping)(超出一些预算又何妨,备些钱娱乐和购物才不框来过)
  • Expect to spend over budget and be ready for it (心里早有打算,百分百超预算)

Stay in touch(常联系。。)

  • Call your family and friends from time to time (有空就拔通电话级家人朋友)
  • You will meet a lot of people , but they are not as strong as your family and true friends.(你会认识很多新朋友,但最新的还是家人挚友)

Thanks for your time



What is traveling

Traveling -v. (travels, traveling, traveled; ) Make a journey, typically of some length or abroad

Travel is good for lots of things, but it can also increase mental well-being(心理健康)-and not just in the short-term(短期). Wheter you're traveling for business, on a one-week family holiday, or have sold everything to pursue a life on the road, traveling can make you a happier person by building self-confidence, providing new experiences and memories, breaking routine and allowing you to meet people from all over the world 旅行有利于身心健康,无论是因公出差,还是家庭旅游,亦或是人生追求,旅行都可以助你建立自信,充实经历,丰富回忆,打破常规,广交良友。

[ru:ˈti:n] n. 常规; 例行程序; 生活乏味; (演出中的)一套动作 adj. 常规的; 例行的; 日常的; 普通的

It is easier than you think

  • Is not difficult
  • You can get a lot of help from agents(旅行社)

It opens your eyes

  • Well-rounded human being(全面发展的人)

Learn who you are

  • Going to other countries to find inner-peace(内心平静)
  • Change lifestyle(生活方式)
  • Understanding the meaning world(意义世界)

It will create meaningful relationships

  • New relationships
  • Help you around outside of your comfort zone(舒适区)
  • Forcing you into new and refreshing perspectives on things

develop skills you did not know you had

  • Learn from others and add it to your skill-list
  • Teach what you have learned
  • You try something new, which allows to use in future.

Learn new languages

  • Best way to learn language
  • Brings the joy of learning new language

Gives you adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]

  • Makes your life much more pleasurable(快乐的) [ˈpleʒərəbl]
  • Human instinct(本能) to go on a journey

Gives you perspective(视角)

  • Learns that your culture is different
  • Different perceptions(感知) of the world
  • Understanding other people

As a transition转变

  • Traveling makes memories
  • Gives the insight(洞察) of what is around you

For education

  • Covers the bigger part than learning in classrooms about other countries' culture/traditions(课堂内学不到的国外文化)
  • It gives you the pleasure of having a satisfaction of being a first-narrator(叙述者) of your own experience


The challenge

  • Challenge yourself to get a different experience
  • Overcoming certain circumstances(情况) provides an extreme level of joy

To do something new

  • Memories
  • New stories
  • New friends

Dreams come true

  • Breaking barriers障碍 美['bærɪrz]
  • Do something you dreamed of

You will eat food like you never have

  • New flavors
  • Extreme food
  • Constant experiences with food

To prove to yourself you can

  • Challenge yourself
  • Build self-esteem(自尊)
  • Fighting with your character(性格)
  • Opens your mind

    You can do it !

    Just for the hell of it(为旅行而旅行) * Why not?

    • Random is always good
    • Do something with no plans


乘坐飞机&地铁&出租车, 最用得着的英语

普通飞机舱,一共有几类舱:3类, First class, business class, economy class 经济舱中有几类座位? 4类:window sit, 民航飞机中,一般有几个紧急出口:8个 入境时必问的问题-Do you have anyting to declare? B. A 宣称 B. 申报 C. 声明

Would you like a window or aisle seat?

[aɪl] :过道,通道

  1. An aisle seat
  2. Window seat
  3. Middle seat
  4. The seat next to the emergency exit