GRE填空 @邹中杰老师


  1. 同义关系

    1. 同义递进关系 not only A but also B
    2. 同义解释关系A: B/A suggest B/A that B
    3. 同义并列关系A;B
  2. 反义关系

    1. 反义对立关系far from A, B/A rather than B
    2. 反义转折关系although A,B/despite A,B
    3. 时间对立关系previously A,B
  • 逻辑特征词既存


Contrary to those who fear the impact of invasive species on native plants, the biologist contend that the threat posed to biodiversity by nonnative species is often (i) . For instance , a study of garlie mustard, a nonnative plant now thriving in Minnesota's oak forests, found that garlic mustard abundance in forest plots was not (ii) the number of other plant species there.

Blank(i): C A. subtle adj. 微妙的; 巧妙的; 敏感的; 狡猾的 B. uniform C. exaggerated adj. 夸大的,言过其实的; 过大的,逾常的

Blank(ii): E D. consistent with E. related to F. sustained by

Readers may initially be irked by the book's apparent(i) but, once immersed in the author's prose , they may come to regard the work's (ii) as an asset.

Blank(i): B A.flippancy n. 轻率; 无礼; 无礼的行动(或言语); 轻率的行动(或言语) B. aimlessness n. 无目的,盲目性 C. tendentiousness [ten'denʃəsnəs] n. 宣传性,不公平,有倾向性

Blank(ii) E D. Subtlety n. 精妙,巧妙; 敏锐,敏感; 狡猾,阴险; 细微的差别等 E. discursions n. 漫谈离题,推论,推理 F. exhaustiveness n. 穷尽性; 用尽一切, 包罗万象

Although movie critic Pauline Kael had a distaste for sycophancy, she also had a need for (i), as a consequence of these competing feeling, she sent very (ii) signals to friends and colleagues.

sycophancy ['sɪkəfənsɪ] n. 拍马屁,奉承,谄媚; 吮痈舐痔

Blank(i) B A. solitude B. obeisance 顺从 C. clarity

Blank(ii) F D. direct E. subtle F. mixed

The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the peroid of recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also (i). The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii) public trust in the way companies were run. And yet, despite these powerful (iii) to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild.

Blank(i) B A. heartening ['ha:tniŋ] adj. 令人振奋的,鼓舞人的 B. atypical adj. 非典型的 C. ambiguous

Blank(ii) D D. weakened E. illuminated F. consolidated

Blank(iii) G G. counterforces n. 反作用力,反击力 H. stimulants n. 刺激物; 兴奋剂 I. concomitants n.伴随物; 共存; 伴随发生的事

  1. 逻辑特征词空缺 The idea of a "language instinct" may seem (i) to those who think of language as the zenith of the human intellect and of instincts as brute impulse.


A. jarring adj. 刺耳的,不和谐的,辗轧的 B. plausible C. gratifying D. inevitable E. conciliatory

  1. 逻辑特征词"啃爹" Without seeming unworldly, William James appeared wholly removed from the (i) of society, the conventionality of academe.

worldly: adj. 尘世的; 世间的,世上的; 追逐名利的,鄙俗的


A. ethos B. idealism C. romance D. paradoxes E. commonplaces n. 老生常谈; 陈腔滥调( commonplace的名词复数 ); 寻常的事物; 平常的东西


While people complain about their hectic lives and demanding schedules, one might be justified in suspecting that they are being somewhat(i); compulsive busyness seems to be, for many , a source of (j); A ,D 

Blank(i): A. disingenuous B. guarded C . dilatory

Blank(j); D. pride E. despair F. irritation

hectic 英[ˈhektɪk]美[ˈhɛktɪk] adj. 繁忙的,忙乱的; 兴奋的,狂热的; (因患肺病等)发烧的; 患热病的 n. 肺病热患者; [医]潮红 网络 忙乱的; 忙乱; 忙碌

Although field studies have linked inbreeding to declines among song sparrow populations, some researchers argue that , in nature, inbreeding proves _ as a factor when c ompared with crushing blows from weather changes. C.F A. hazardous B. momentous C. trivial D. significant E. precarious F. inconsequential

基础能力:词江+长难句 解题步骤:

  • 通读
  • 找出关键词、数字、短语
  • 根据句子逻辑填词

Although its director _ that the movie uses a documentary approach in portraying the famous sit-down strike, in practice its characters are heavily fictionalized and fall into familiar Hollywood types. A,F A. asserts B. concedes C. guarantees D. disputes E. grants F. maintains

Though the volume of radioactive wast produced by nuclear power plants is (small), the problem of how to dispose of that waste is not: rather, it is of major importance.

Reviews written by music critic and composer Stephenson were hardly (i): musicians who performed his music could count on sympathetic coverage, while those who ignored him were held to (j) standards. A, D

Blank(i): A. disinterested B. lucid C. conventional

Blank(ii): D. exacting E. minimal F. accepted.

People love to talk about their commutes to and from work: those with an easy commute tend to(i), while those who hate their commute think and speakof it as a core affliction, like a chronic illnes. Once you raise the subject, the testimonies pour out, and , if your ears are turned to it. you begin overhearing commute talk everywhere, People who are normally(ii) may, when describing their commutes, be unexpectedly (iii)


Blank(i) A. grumble B. commiserate C. Gloat

BLank(ii) D. inattentive E. garrulous F. circumspect

Blank(iii) G. candid in H. economical in I. flustered about

To pay for the extra spending under this international poverty plan, each American would have to contribute less than the cost of buying a premium cup of coffee once a week. But financial aid is not (i), and even if the funding recommended here were to (ii) the grandest objectives may well remain unfulfilled , None theless, carefully targeted aid can reward responsible governments, (iii) individual initiative, and alleviate suffering . Many will think that's worth a cup of coffee.


Blank(i) A. an impediment B. a panacea C a malady

(II) D be insufficient E. recede F. materialize

(III) G. obviate H. temper I. encourage

As he has matured as a scholar, Felmar has come to see the merit of qualification. His conclusions, which early in his career he(i), are now often(ii)_ A D (i) A. Stated as absolute B. refused to reveal C. Backed up extensively

(ii). D. hedged E. simplified F. reiterated


  1. 精确认知
  2. 快速反尖
  3. 快速理解

characterization 人物的刻画 monarch 君主 empathy 同理心 rhetoric 修辞的 cultivate 载植 administrate 管理,经营,实施 chrysanthemum 菊花