0125 灾难新闻的六大要素

1, gigantic [dʒaɪˈgæntɪk] adj.巨大的,庞大的 2, wave [weɪv] n.波浪 3, flame [fleɪm] n.火焰 4, ash [æʃ] n.灰烬 5, wildfire [ˈwaɪldfaɪə(r)] n.野火 6, burn [bɜ:n] v.燃烧 7, Mexican [ˈmeksɪkən] adj.墨西哥的;n.墨西哥人 Mexico n.墨西哥 8, border [ˈbɔ:də(r)] n.边界 9, suburb [ˈsʌbɜ:b] n.郊区 10, consume [kənˈsju:m] v.烧毁,毁灭 11, hectare [ˈhektə(r)] n.公顷 12, authority [ɔ:ˈθɒrəti] n.当局;官方 13, in connection with 与…有关 14, deliberately [dɪˈlɪbərətli] adv.故意地 15, emergency worker 应急人员 16, comb [kəʊm] v.仔细搜索;搜寻 17, site [saɪt] n.现场;发生地;场所 18, five-story 五层 19, Ukraine [ju:'kreɪn] n.乌克兰 Ukrainian adj.乌克兰的 n.乌克兰人 20, explosion [ɪkˈspləʊʒn] n.爆炸 21,reduce [rɪˈdju:s] v.使陷入(更坏的)境地 22, rubble[ˈrʌbl] n.碎石;碎砖 23, blast [blɑ:st] n爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪 24, Black Sea 黑海 25, resort town 度假小镇 26, spokesman [ˈspəʊksmən] n.发言人,代言人 27, Emergency Situations Ministry/Ministry of Emergency Situation 紧急情况部 28, rescue [ˈreskju:] v.&n.营救,救援 29, investigate [ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt] v.调查 30, oxygen canister [ˈɒksɪdʒən] [ˈkænɪstə(r)] 氧气罐 31, store [stɔ:(r)] v.贮存 32, basement [ˈbeɪsmənt] n.地下室 33, trigger [ˈtrɪgə(r)] v.引发,触发 34, footage [ˈfʊtɪdʒ] n.片段 35, bury [ˈberi] v.覆盖;埋葬 36, underneath [ˌʌndəˈni:θ] prep.&adv.底下;隐藏(或掩盖)在下面… 37, debris [ˈdebri:] n.碎片,残骸 38, scrabble [ˈskræbl] v.忙乱地找;翻找 39, rod rɒd] n.杆,棒,竿 40, boulder [ˈbəʊldə(r)] 巨石;漂砾


NEWS 01 Gigantic waves of flame that covered an entire neighborhood and filled the skies over Southern California with ash have killed at least 13 people. At least 6 separate wildfires were still burning on Monday morning all the way from the Mexican border to the suburbs of Los Angeles. They were reported to have destroyed 800 homes and consumed about 120,000 hectares of land. Authorities said they were seeking two men in connection with the fires which they believed were started deliberately.

NEWS 02 Hundreds of emergency workers combed the site of a five-story apartment building in southern Ukraine Thursday after a series of explosions reduced it to rubble, authorities said. The blasts Wednesday night in the Black Sea resort town of Yevpatoria left at least 17 people dead and 24 others missing, according to Igor Krol, a spokesman for the Ukraine’s Emergency Situations Ministry. 21 people have been rescued. "We are now investigating all possible reasons for the explosions," Krol said. Volodymiyr Shandra, Ukrainian Emergency Situations Minister, told local media that oxygen canisters being stored in the basement of the building could have triggered the blasts. Television footage showed the rescuers trying to free people buried underneath fallen debris, while others scrabbled through wires, construction rods and boulders.

0126 爆炸类新闻

1, religious [rɪˈlɪdʒəs] adj.宗教的 2, taboo[ təˈbuː] [tæˈbu] n.(某些文化的)禁忌忌讳 3, fighting n.战斗 4, suicide bombing 自杀式炸弹袭击 5, indicate [ˈɪndɪkeɪt] v.指示,显示 6, insurgent [ɪnˋsədʒənt] adj.起义的;叛乱的 n.叛乱者 7, desperate [ ˈdespərət] adj.孤注一掷的;感到绝望而不惜冒险的 8, detonated [ˈdetəneɪt] v.(使某物)爆炸;引爆 9, explosive vest 炸弹背心 10, US patrol [pəˈtrəul] 美国巡逻队 11, Diyala 迪亚拉 (伊拉克东部的省) 12, Baqouba 巴古拜 (迪亚拉省会) 13, Bagdad [ˈbæɡdæd] 巴格达(伊拉克首都) 14,wound [wuːnd] v.伤害(某人) 15, troop [ truːp] n. 军队; 16, Iraqis [iˈrɑ:ki] adj.伊拉克的;n.伊拉克人 17, Sunni 逊尼派 ['su:nɪ] Shia [ˈʃɪə] 什叶派 18, group 组织19, al-Qaida 基地组织 20, bomber [ˈbɔmə(r)] n.投掷或安放炸弹的人 21, police patrol[ pəˈtrəul] 巡警队 22, civilian [sɪˈvɪlɪən] 平民,百姓 23, shatter[ ˈʃætə(r)] v.粉碎(某事物) 24, violence [ˈvaɪələns] n.暴力 25, explode [ɪkˈspləud] v. (使某物)爆炸 26, Bangkok [bæŋˈkɔk] n.曼谷 27,Thai citizen 泰国公民 28, terrorist group 恐怖分子组织 29, claimed responsibility for 声称对…负责 30, bombing[ˈbɒmɪŋ] n.轰炸,投弹 31, separatist[ˈseprətɪst] n.分裂主义分子 32, shooting [ˈʃu:tɪŋ] n.射杀;枪杀 33, southernmost [ˈsʌðənməʊst] adj.最南端的 34, province [ˈprɔvɪns] n.省份 35, dominant [ˈdɔmɪnənt adj.占支配地位的;最重要的 36, discrimination [dɪˏskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn] n.歧视 37, Buddhist ['bʊdɪst] adj.佛教的;n.佛教徒 38, Islamic state [ɪz'lɑːmɪk] 伊斯兰国家 39, Thai government 泰国政府 40, curb [kɜːb] v.约束 n.起约束或控制作用的事物


NEWS 03 It goes against religious taboos in Iraq to involve women in fighting, but three recent suicide bombings carried out by women could indicate insurgents are growing increasingly desperate. On November 4th, a woman detonated an explosive vest next to a US patrol in Diyala’s regional capital, Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Bagdad, wounding seven US troops and five Iraqis. On December 7th, a woman attacked the offices of a Diyala-based Sunni group fighting al-Qaida in Iraq, killing 15 people and wounding 35. Then, on December 31t, a bomber in Baqouba detonated her suicide vest close to a police patrol wounding five policemen and four civilians.

NEWS 04 The New Year celebration in Thailand was shattered by violence when nine bombs exploded across Bangkok around midnight. Three Thai citizens were killed and more than 30 injured. No terrorist group claimed responsibility for the bombings by Tuesday. Some believe the explosions were the work of separatists. Bombings and shootings occur almost daily in Thailand’s three southernmost provinces. Yala, Narathiwat and Purtonia have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largely Buddhist nation. They have asked for independence and a separate Islamic state. Since 2004, insurgents have carried out numerous attacks in the south and more than 1,900 people have been killed. The Thai government has been unable to curb the violence, though thousands of troops have been sent to the south.

0127 交通事故类新闻

1, cargo ship [ˈkɑːgəu] n.货船 2, crew [kruː] n.工作人员 3, aboard [əˈbɔːd] prep&adv在(船,飞机,火车或公共汽车)上 4,sink [sɪŋk] v.下沉;沉没 5, coast [kəust] n.海岸 6, stormy weather 暴风雨天气 7, interfere [ˏɪntəˈfɪə(r)] v.干涉;阻碍 8, rescue effort 救援工作 9,state-run ['steɪtrʌn] adj.国营的;国立的 10, Itar-Tass news agency 俄通社-塔斯社 11,chip sth off 从某物的边缘或表面折下或切下(一小块) 12, distress [dɪˈstres] n.危难;痛苦 13, signal [ˈsɪgnəl] 信号;暗号 14, severe [sɪˈvɪə(r)] adj.严格的;苛刻的 15, aircraft [ˈeəkrɑːft] n.飞机 16, vessel [ˈvesl] 船(尤指大船) 17, oil rig 油井钻探设备 18, rescue vessel 救援船只 19, be based 被安置在 20, tugboat [ˈtʌgˌbəʊt] n.拖船 21, dispatch [dɪˈspætʃ] v.派遣,发送 22, en route [ˏɔn ˈruːt] adv.在路上 23, fishing area 捕鱼区 24, haul [hɔːl] v.运送;用力拖或拉(某物) 25, port [pɔːt] n.港;港口 26, Indonesia [ˌɪndəʊ'ni:zjə] n.印尼 27, ferry [ˈferɪ] 渡轮 28, pack with sth (人)挤满某处;(事物)塞满 29, refugee [ˏrefjuˈdʒiː] n.难民,流亡者(尤指因遭政治上或宗教上的迫害) 30, flee [fliː] v.逃跑;(尤指遇到危险、威胁等)逃离 31, ravage [ˈrævɪdʒ] v.严重损坏(某物);毁坏 32, Spice Islands 香料群岛 33, rescue official 救援人员 34, capacity [kəˈpæsətɪ] n.容纳某事物的能力 35, on board 在船上,在飞机上 36, force their way onto 挤(出去);推开路前进 37, bloody [ˈblʌdɪ] 血腥的;残忍的 38, religious violence 宗教暴乱 39, on top of 除了(=in addition to) 40, search and rescue team 搜救队


News 05 A Russian cargo ship with about 30 crew members aboard was in danger of sinking off Russia's eastern coast while stormy weather interfered with rescue efforts, state-run Itar-Tass news agency said Friday. Ice had formed on the outside of the ship, and the crew was chipping it off. The crew sent out a distress signal, but there was no explanation of the problem. Because of the severe weather, aircraft can't be used to rescue the crew. According to Itar-Tass, the vessel is about 90 miles from an oil rig where rescue vessels are based, while a tugboat dispatched from land was still about four times farther away. The cargo ship had been en route to a fishing area when it experienced problems, the news agency reported. The ship hauls fish from boats to ports.

News 06 "An Indonesia ferry packed with hundreds of refugees fleeing violence in the ravaged Spice Islands sank yesterday, and it was not clear whether anyone has survived." rescue officials said. Officials said the ship had a capacity of 200 passengers, but around 500 were believed to have been on board after hundreds of refugees forced their way onto the ferry on the Island of Halmahera, fleeing bloody religious violence this month. “There were about 198 passengers and crew on top of around 290 refugees.” Selamen, head of the search and rescue team in North Sulawesi capital of the Manado told the reporters.


News 01 加利福尼亚南部发生火灾,大火蔓延,火光冲天,导致至少13人死亡。直到周一早上,沿墨西哥边境到洛杉矶郊区还有至少6处野火正在肆意燃烧。据报道,大火烧毁了800处住房,吞噬了约120,000公顷土地。当局称正在追踪与火灾有关的两名男子,认为二人有蓄意纵火嫌疑。

News 02 官方称,乌克兰南部某五层高的公寓楼发生一系列爆炸,大楼成为一片废墟。数百名救援人员周四到现场开展搜救工作。乌克兰紧急情况部发言人Igor Krol说,黑海旅游城市耶夫巴多利亚于周三夜间发生的爆炸造成至少17人死亡、24人失踪。目前21人获救。“我们正在调查爆炸原因。”Krol说。乌克兰紧急情况部部长Volodymiyr Shandra告诉当地媒体,可能是大楼地下室储备的氧气罐发生了爆炸。电视镜头展现了一些救援人员试图解救被压在倒塌废墟下以及在电线,建筑钢筋和巨石间挣扎的人们。

New 03 在伊拉克,让女子参与战斗是违反宗教禁忌的,但最近三起由女性进行的自杀式炸弹袭击事件表明,反叛分子越来越孤注一掷。11月4日,在巴格达东北部35英里外的迪亚拉首都巴古拜,一名女子在美国巡逻队旁引爆了炸弹背心,伤及7名美国士兵和5名伊拉克人。12月7日,一名女子袭击了迪亚拉地区的逊尼派办公地点—该派与伊拉克的基地组织作战—造成15人死亡,35人受伤。12月31日,一名巴古拜的女炸弹袭击者,在某巡警队附近引爆自杀式炸弹背心,伤及5名警察及4名平民。

News 04 午夜时分,泰国首都曼谷发生了9起爆炸事件,新年的欢乐气氛也随之散去。本次事故造成3人死亡,30多人受伤。截至本周二还没有恐怖分子声称对此事负责。有人认为爆炸是分裂主义分子所为。在泰国最南端的三个城市,Y,N和P中,爆炸和枪击事件几乎每日都在上演。这几个地区的穆斯林占人口主体,他们一直以来都在抱怨说,在佛教占统治地位的泰国,他们备受忽视与歧视,并呼吁要从泰国独立出去,建立伊斯兰国家。自2004年开始,一些叛乱者在南部地区多次实施袭击行为,已杀害了1900多人。泰国政府派了数千士兵到南方平乱,但至今未见成效。

0128 移民/难民类新闻

1, body n.死尸;尸体 2, dozens of 许多(=lots of) 3, emigrant [ˈemɪgrənt] n.(从本国移往他国的)居民 emigrate v.移居国外 immigrate v.移入 immigrant n.(外来)移民 4, off the Italian coast 在意大利海岸 5, overboard [ˈəuvəbɔːd] adv.越过船舷进入水中 6, coast guard 海岸巡逻员 7, Somalia [səuˈmɑ:liə] n.索马里(非洲国家) 8, Mediterranean Sea [ˏmedɪtəˈreɪnɪən] 地中海 9, serious condition 情况危急 10, Libya ['lɪbɪə] 利比亚 (北非国家) 11, Cuba ['kju:bə] n.古巴 Cuban n.古巴人 12, would-be [ˈwudbi:] adj.想要成为的 13, migrant v.(为工作)移居者;移民 migrate v.移居;迁徙 14, make one’s way to 想方设法(去)进入 15, floating truck [ˈfləʊtɪŋ] 浮动卡车 16, spot [spɔt] v.发觉,辨出 17, attach [əˈtætʃ] v. 将某物系在﹑ 缚在或附在(另一物)上 18, propeller [prəˈpelə(r)] n.推进器;螺旋桨 19, shabby [ˈʃæbɪ] adj.(指东西)因使用过久或照管不善而破旧的 20, review [rɪˈvjuː] n.重新考虑 21, case 法案;诉讼案 22, Las Vegas [la:s `vega:s] 拉斯维加斯 23, Nevada [neˈvɑ:də] 内华达州 (美国西部内陆州) 24, senator [ˈsenətə(r)] n.参议员 25, outline [ˈautlaɪn] v.概述(某事物) 26, framework [ˈfreɪmwɜ:k] n.框架 27, reform [rɪˈfɔːm] v&n 改革 28, envisage [ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ] v.展望;想象 29, path [pɑːθ] n.途径;方式 30, citizenship [ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp] n.公民身份 31, estimate v. [ˈestɪmət] 估计;预测 32, undocumented [ˌʌn'dɒkjʊmentɪd] adj.无书面文件的,例如在外居住或工作的许可 33, blueprint [ˈbluːprɪnt] n.蓝图;方案 34, roll out 推出;铺开 35, go far 成功;扬名;持久 36, fine n.罚金;罚款 37, queue [kjuː 行列 38, permanent residency [ˈpɜːmənənt] [ˈrezɪdənsi] 永久居住权 39, eventual citizenship [ɪˈventʃuəl] 最终国籍 40, permanent resident 永久居民;常住人口


News 07 The bodies of dozens of African emigrants discovered off the Italian coast last week, might have been thrown overboard, an Italian official said on Monday. A coast guard spokesman said 15 illegal emigrants all believed to come from Somalia, survived being thrown into the Mediterranean Sea. But one of the survivors, a woman, was in a serious condition. They told the coast guard, that their boat had left Libya 20 days before with around 100 emigrants aboard. They said most had died during the trip. Last Friday, 7 Africans, including 3 children, died before their boat could reach the island. A further 25 people survived.

News 08 American coast guard officials in Florida say they have returned to Cuba a group of would-be migrants who tried to make their way to the United States in an unusual vessel, a floating truck. They said one of their planes spotted the Cubans more than halfway through their journey, and the coast guard could not believe their eyes when they saw the vessel. The Cubans had attached floats and propellers to a 1951 shabby truck.

News 09 US President Barack Obama has said the time has come for a review on the US immigration system. He made his case at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada, a day after a group of senators outlined a framework for reform. The White House and senators envisage a path to citizenship for many of an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US. He noted that the current system was "out of date and badly broken". Mr Obama's case for an immigration reform reflects a blueprint he rolled out in 2011, though that did not go far. Mr Obama now backs the Senator’s plan including making illegal immigrants pay taxes and fines and sending them to the back of the queue before they can become American citizens. His 2011 blueprint also focused on a path to permanent residency and eventual citizenship. After eight years, individuals would be allowed to become legal permanent residents and would eventually become citizens five years later, according to his 2011 blueprint.


News 05

据俄通社-塔斯社周五报道,一艘载有约30名员工的俄罗斯货轮在俄罗斯东部沿海面临沉没的危险。恶劣的暴风雨天气给救援工作带来了极大不便。 货轮表面已经结冰,船员正尽力把冰铲掉。他们发送了遇难信号,但并没有说明遇难原因。由于天气恶劣,无法派出飞机进行救援。 据俄通社-塔斯社报道,货轮距存放救援船只的某石油钻塔约90英里,而已经从陆地派出的拖船距离事故货轮仍有360英里左右的路程。此货轮是在驶向某捕鱼区的途中遭遇的意外。该货轮用来把小船上的鱼运输到各个港口。

News 06


0129 自然灾害类新闻

1, Northwest ['nɔ:θ'west] 美国西北部(大体包括华盛顿、俄勒冈和爱达荷) 2, brace [breɪs] v.(针对困难的或令人不快的事物)稳住情绪或做好准备 3, blizzard [ˈblɪzəd] n.暴风雪(severe snowstorm) 4, icy [ˈaɪsɪ] adj.结满冰的;寒冷的 5, paralyze [ˈpærəlaɪz] v. 使瘫痪或麻痹 6, greater adj.大的(属于、关于或作为一个包括城市及其郊区的区域的) 7, Seattle [sɪ'ætl] n.西雅图 8, Washington ['wɒʃɪŋtən] 华盛顿州 Washington D.C. 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 9, route [ruːt] n.路线 10, suspend [səˈspend] v.使(某事物)暂停 11, navigate [ˈnævɪgeɪt] v.驾驶;导航 12, charter [tʃɑːtə(r)] v.(为某目的)包租(飞机等) 13, collided [kəˈlaɪd] v.相撞 14, skid [skɪd] v.滑向一侧,打滑(如车在结冰路上或急转弯时) 15, pull v.拉;拖;拽 push v.推 16, crash [kræʃ] v.撞车;碰撞 17, metal [ˈmetl] n.金属 18, railing [ˈreɪlɪŋ] n.护栏,栅栏,扶手 19, hang v.悬挂;吊 20, precariously [prɪ'keərɪəslɪ] adv.摇摇欲坠 21, Interstate 5 [ˏɪntəˈsteɪt] 5号州际公路 22, tow truck [təu] 拖车 23, snowfall [ˈsnəʊfɔ:l] n.下雪,降雪 24, retail [ˈriːteɪl] n.零售 25, military team [ˈmɪlɪtrɪ ˋmɪləˏtɛrɪ] 军方小组 26, stranded ['strændɪd] adj.陷于困境的(如无钱、无友或无交通工具) 27, term v.将(某事物/某人)称作 28, brutal [ˈbruːtl] adj.残酷的;残忍的 29, hit v.对(某人、某事物或某地)产生不良的或意外的影响 30, Ontario [ɒn'teərɪəʊ] n.安大略 31, region [ˈriːdʒən] n.地区 32, stick v.卡在某处不能移动stuck 33, vehicle [ˈvɪəkl] n.陆上交通工具 34, blinding adj.雪亮的;使人视线模糊的 35, pile up 累积;增多 36, Provincial [prəˈvɪnʃl] adj.省的 37, initially [ɪˈnɪʃəli] adv.最初 38, Highway 402 [ˈhaɪweɪ] 402公路 39, thoroughfare [ˈθʌrəfeə(r)] [ˈθɜ:roʊfer] n.大街;大道 40, U.S.—Canada border 美加边境


News 10 The Northwest braced for blizzards Friday night. Icy roads created from storms this week paralyzed much of the greater Seattle, Washington area, where schools were closed and bus routes were suspended Friday as roads were too icy to navigate. Two chartered buses carrying 80 people that collided and skidded off a road were pulled to safety. The buses crashed through a metal railing and hung precariously over Interstate 5 for several hours before tow trucks pulled them back on the road. The snowfall closed the airport for several hours and cut into local business hours for retail shops during the busiest shopping season of the year.

News 11 Canadian police and military teams were working Tuesday afternoon to rescue about 300 people stranded after what a local official termed the most brutal storm to hit the Ontario region in 25 years. Some people had been stuck in their vehicles for more than 24 hours following blinding snow that piled up so high it made it almost impossible to open vehicle doors. Ontario Provincial Police initially reported about 360 vehicles and about 300 people had been stranded near Sarnia, Ontario, on Highway 402—a major thoroughfare linking the U.S.—Canada border to London, Ontario. Some of those people have since been rescued, but Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley said it could be another 24 hours before everyone is taken to safety.


News 07 本周一一位意大利的官员说,上周在意大利海岸发现了数十具非洲移民者的尸体。他们很可能是被人从船上抛入水中。一名海岸巡逻员说,15名来自索马里的非法移民被抛入地中海后侥幸生还,但其中一名女性情况危急。这些人对海岸巡逻员说,他们乘坐的船于20天前离开利比亚,船上约有移民100人。其中多数人在途中死亡。上周五,包括3名儿童在内的7名非洲人于到岸前死亡。另有25人幸存。

News 08 据美国佛罗里达的海岸巡逻员报告,他们已把一批企图非法移民的古巴人遣送回国。这些人试图乘坐一种极其特殊的船只—浮动卡车—进入美国。佛罗里达海岸巡逻员说他们的一架飞机侦查到这些古巴人时,他们已经走了大半个行程。令人难以置信的是,这些古巴人乘坐的船是由一辆1951年产的破旧卡车加装漂浮装置和推进器改装而成的。

News 09 美国总统贝拉克奥巴马表示,已经是时候重新修订美国的移民制度了。一组参议员首先列出了改革的框架,次日总统在内华达州拉斯维加斯的一所高中正式立案。白宫方面及参议员正在设想能够让约1100万美国非法移民取得国籍的途径。总统指出,现行的体系“已经过时,且漏洞百出”。奥巴马总统的移民改革修正案体现了他曾在2011年制定的蓝图,尽管当时的蓝图计划并未得以落实。现今,奥巴马总统也支持参议员的提案,这一提案包括:要求非法移民纳税、交付罚金,并在他们成为公民之前不能优先享受社会福利。他的2011年蓝图计划还涉及到了取得永久居住权及最终国籍的途径。蓝图计划规定,非法移民可在八年后获得合法的永久居住权,再过五年就可以最终成为合法公民。

★ app10个词 ★


Blizzard Suspend Navigate Charter Skid Railing Precariously Stranded Brutal thoroughfare

0130 天气预报类新闻

1,affluent [ˈæfluənt] adj 富裕的;繁荣的 2, project sth (to sth) [prəˈdʒekt] (根据现有资料)预测(结果);推断 3, major [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] adj (较)大的;主要的=(more)important;great(er) 4, intensive [ɪnˈtensɪv] adj 集约型;密集的 5, livestock [ˈlaɪvstɔk] n 家畜,牲畜(如牛羊) 6, operation [ˏɔpəˈreɪʃn] n (工商业等)业务;(包括许多部分的)企业 7, dairy [ˈdeərɪ] n 牛奶厂;奶品厂 8, pose [pəuz] v 引起(某事物);造成 9, ecological [ˏiːkəˈlɔdʒɪkl] adj 生态的;生态学的 10, critic [ˈkrɪtɪk] 批评者;评论员,评论家 11, call v呼吁 12, urge v 敦促 13, already-stressed adj已经不堪重负的 14, fragile adj 易受伤害的;脆弱的 15, resource base 资源基础 16, greenhouse gases 温室气体 17, present sth [prɪˈzent] v 向某人显示某事物 18, puzzle [ˈpʌzl] n 难题 19, wreck [rek] v 毁坏或毁灭(某物) 20, be poised (to do sth) [pɔɪzd] 身体处于紧张状态,准备行动 21, conduct [kənˈdʌkt] v 控制;操纵 22, survey [ˈsɜːveɪ] n 调查 23, pollution source 污染源 24, deterioration [dɪˏtɪərɪəˈreɪʃn] n 恶化 25, identify and collect 找出并收集 26, residential [ˏrezɪˈdenʃl] adj住宅的 27, grave [greɪv] adj 严峻的 28, clog v 阻塞;塞住 29, industrial waste 工业废料 30, clean-up n 净化;清除 31, compromise [ˈkɔmprəmaɪz] v 减轻;减弱;折衷 32, autonomous region [ɔːˈtɔnəməs] 自治区 33, municipality [mju:ˌnɪsɪˈpæləti] n 直辖市 34, census [ˈsensəs] 人口统计;普查 35, multiple [ˈmʌltɪpl] adj 有多种、多项或多类型的 36, database [ˈdeɪtəbeɪs] n 数据库 37, second half of 2008 2008年下半年 38, examine [ɪgˈzæmɪn] v 仔细观察;校验 39, approve [əˈpruːv] 批准(某事物);通过;核准 40, mid-2009 2009年年中


News 12 The world will need to double food production within the next three decades in order to feed a rapidly growing and increasingly affluent population, which is projected to grow from 7 billion today to 9 billion. A United Nations report says reaching that goal will require major increases in intensive, high-efficiency livestock operations for both meat and dairy production. The report also says that intensive livestock operations can pose serious ecological risks. And that's why environmental critics are calling instead for reductions in global livestock production, and urging people to consume less, not more, meat in their diets. Feeding today's population is a challenge for an already-stressed environment. The challenge is how to ensure food without increasing animal numbers and having an impact on fragile lands and our resource bases. More than half of the agricultural land in the world is used to raise and feed livestock. Those farm animals are also responsible for 18 percent of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere every year. Experts agree that the next few decades will present a puzzle, how to feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process.

News 13 Chinese government is poised to conduct its first national survey of pollution sources in February to help control environmental deterioration in the country. The study will identify and collect data on sources of industrial, agricultural and residential pollution for two months. Last year, China's environment was facing a grave situation, with several major rivers and lakes clogged by industrial waste. China's environmental clean-up was compromised by more than two decades of rapid economic growth, and a lack of technology especially. Every province, autonomous region and municipality has set up a census office and will report to a main center staffed by officials from government departments. Data will be reviewed multiple times before being put into a database and will be analyzed in the second half of 2008. Findings will be examined and approved by mid-2009.


News 10 西北部地区周五晚做好防暴风雪的准备。本周的暴风雪导致华盛顿州西雅图地区的大部分地区路面结冰、交通瘫痪,学校不得不在周五关闭,公交线路也不得不在当天停运,因为地面太滑,车辆无法通行。两辆载有80名乘客的包车发生碰撞并滑下道路,现已安全获救。当时两车冲过金属护栏并摇摇欲坠地悬挂在5号洲际公路上方长达数小时,最后拖车将其拖回到公路上。这场暴风雪使机场关闭了几个小时,也使当地零售业在这一年中最繁忙的购物季节减少了数小时的营业时间。

News 11 本周二下午,加拿大警方和军方小组合力营救被暴风雪困住的大约300人。一位当地的官员称,这场暴风雪是安大略地区25年来遭受的最残酷的一次。大雪铺天盖地而来,地面积雪过高,以致有些人连车门都无法打开,被困车内已超过24个小时。根据安大略省警方最初发布的报告,约有360辆车和300人被暴风雪困在了安大略省萨尼亚市附近的402公路上。该路段是连接美加边境与安大略省伦敦市的主要通道。部分被困者已陆续得到营救,但萨尼亚市长Mike Bradly表示,还需要24小时才能成功解救所有人。

★ 0130 app10个词 ★ app10个词 音频请回复 0130

affluent fragile wreck deterioration identify and collect clog compromise autonomous region municipality census

0131 国际会议类新闻 International Congress

An ecomomic forum on opportunities in China is expected to bring scholars, business leaders and government officials to Beijing next week.

财富全球论坛 下周学者、商业领袖和政府官员会到北京参加一个经济论坛,届时会讨论商业机会

An Olympic security plan five years in the making is taking shape in Vancouver this week . The canadian Police is heading up the $900 million security operation, the largest in Canadas's history

It is no coincidence that in Vancouver security patrols are particularly evident around the low-rise apartment buildings where the athletes will be housed.



security check

security [sɪˈkjʊərəti] plan 安保计划 in the making 在制造、形成或发展的过程中



mascot [ˈmæskət] Brazil(): 巴西

Rio de Janeiro 【】

Skyscraper high-rise

1, forum [ˈfɔːrəm] n 论坛,(讨论公共问题的场所) 2, scholar [ˈskɔlə(r)] n学者 3, delegate [ˈdelɪgət] 代表(如出席会议者) v 选派某人作代表出席会议 4, Fortune Global Forum 全球财富论坛 5, Global 500 全球五百强企业 6, represent [ˏreprɪˈzent] v作为(某人)的代表或代理人 7, annually [ˈænjuəli] adv 每年一次;一年一度 8, Fortune Magazine 《财富杂志》 9, host v主办或主持(某活动);作为主人招待(某人) 10, security plan 安保计划 11, in the making在制造﹑ 形成或发展的过程中 12, take shape成形; 变得更有条理 13, Vancouver [vænˈku:və] 温哥华(加拿大一港市) 14, head up领导[主管](某个团体) 15, security operation 安保执行 16, private security 私人保镖 17, military personnel [ˏpɜːsəˈnel] 军事人员 18, protest [ˈprəutest]抗议活动;抗议书 19, pose a threat to 对…构成威胁 20, rate [reɪt] v以某方式划分等级或对待 21, Munich ['mju:nɪk] n 慕尼黑(德国城市) 22, athletes' village [ˈæθliːt]运动员居住的奥运村 23, eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] adv 最后;最终 24, Israeli [ɪz'reɪlɪ] n 以色列人 adj 以色列的 Israel ['ɪzreɪl] n以色列 25, coach [kəutʃ] n (运动员的)教练 26, coincidence[ kəuˈɪnsɪdəns] n 巧合(的事) 27, security patrol 治安巡逻队 28, evident [ˈevɪdənt] adj 明显的;清楚的 29, low-rise [ˈləʊˌraɪz] adj 层数少而没有电梯的,不高的(建筑物,尤指公寓) 30, house v 给(某人)房子住 31, downtown [ˏdaunˈtaun] adv 朝着或位于城市的中心区(尤指闹市及商业区) 32, close v 不开;关闭某事物 33, ring [rɪŋ] n 圆环;圆圈 34, security fencing 保安围栏 35, venue [ˈvenjuː] n(尤指)体育比赛场所;会场 36,perch [pɜːtʃ] v将(某物)置於尤指高处或危险处 37, network [ˈnetwɜ:k] n 网;网络 38, surveillance [sɜːˈveɪləns] n (对涉嫌者)的监视 39, detect [dɪˈtekt] v 侦查;察觉 40, intrusion [ɪnˈtruːʒn] n 侵扰;闯入


News 14 An economic forum on opportunities in China is expected to bring scholars, business leaders and government officials to Beijing next week. More than 800 delegates are expected to attend the 3-day Fortune Global Forum which opens on Monday. More than 250 foreign companies, including 76 of the Global 500, will be represented. The forum is held annually by the U. S's Fortune Magazine. This will be the forum’s 10th year, and the third in China. Shanghai hosted it in 1999, and Hong Kong in 2001.

News 15 An Olympic security plan five years in the making is taking shape in Vancouver this week. The Canadian Police is heading up the $900 million security operation, the largest in Canada's history. It will involve 15,000 police, private security and military personnel. The Winter Olympics will take place February 12th to 28th in 2010 in Vancouver. Political protests may pose the biggest threat to the games. The threat of a terrorist attack is rated as low. But the memory of the 1972 Munich Olympics has not gone away. That year, a terrorist group attacked the athletes' village, eventually killing 11 Israeli athletes and coaches. It is no coincidence that in Vancouver security patrols are particularly evident around the low-rise apartment buildings where the athletes will be housed. In downtown Vancouver, some roads are already closed, and rings of security fencing surround some key venues. Perched on top of the fencing is a network of 900 surveillance cameras to detect intrusions.


News 12 在今后的30年内,全世界需要把食物产量翻倍,才能满足快速增长且越来越富裕的人口。全世界的人口目前是70亿,30年后预计将增加到90亿。联合国发布的一份报告称,若要实现上述目标,必须大力发展集约、高效的畜牧业,以获得足够的肉和乳产品。报告还指出,集约型畜牧业会带来严重的生态风险。因此,环境评论家呼吁减少全球的畜牧生产,敦促人们少食肉类。对于已经不堪重负的自然环境来说,要养活当今的世界人口可谓是个挑战。这个挑战就是:怎样能确保有足够的食物,动物数量又不增加,也不会对我们脆弱的土地和资源基础造成危害。全世界有一半以上的农业用地被用于畜牧业。每年排放到大气中的温室气体中,由这些家畜导致的占到18%。专家们一致认为,今后的几十年里,我们有个难题要解决:如何养活90亿人,而同时又不破坏地球。

News 13 中国政府准备在2月进行对污染源的首次全国性调查,旨在控制本国的环境恶化。这次研究将用两个月的时间来找出并收集有关工业、农业及住宅污染源的资料。去年,中国的数处主要河流与湖泊被工业废料堵塞,使中国的环境形势很严峻。中国的环境保护受到20多年来经济快速增长—尤其是技术缺乏—的负面影响。目前,每个省、自治区和直辖市都成立了普查办公室,所有普查办公室都会把结果上报给由政府部门官员组成的中心。中心部门在对上报资料多次审查后将其输入数据库。2008年下半年将对数据进行分析,2009年年中之前将对结果进行校验、核准。

★ 0131 app10个单词 ★

音频请回复 0131 delegate Vancouver military personnel Munich Israeli evident security fencing venue surveillance intrusion

0201 经济形势类新闻

joint committee [] n.联盟委员会 seek v。寻找 further cooperation 进一步合作 trade: 贸易,商业 science and technology 科技 source n.提供资料的人 two sides 双方 set up 建立 Higher Committee 高级委员会 first half of September Egyptian economic sources said the two sides will discuss the possibility of setting up a joint business council when the Egyptian-Spnish Highter Committee meets in the firtst half of Semptermber in Madrid, Spain.

埃及经济业内人事透露,在, 届时双方会进行建立联合委员会进行磋商

a hit song, a hit movie.

Animated movie Toy Story 3 was the highest-grossing film of the year at the U.S box office, earning nearly $415m. The Pixar sequel, like the second highest-grossing title Alice in Wonderland, was one of several hit movies released in 3D


1, joint committee [dʒɔɪnt] [kəˈmɪtɪ] n 联盟委员会 2, seek [siːk] v 寻找 3, further cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn] 进一步合作 4, trade [treɪd] n 贸易;商业 5, science and technology 科技 6, source [sɔːs] n提供资料的人 7, two sides 双方 8, set up 建立 9, Higher Committee 高级委员会 10, first half of September 九月中上旬 11, aim at doing sth 企图、力求做某事物 12, balance [ˈbæləns] v 使(某物)保持平衡 13, bilateral trade [ˏbaɪˈlætərəl] 双边贸易 14, trade volume[ ˈvɔljuːm] 贸易量 15, box office 票房 16, analyst [ˈænəlɪst] 分析家;化验员 17, year-on-year adj 与上年同期数字相比的 18, drop n 下降 19, second-lowest 第二少 20, revenue [ˈrevənju] n 收入 21, animated movie [ˈænɪmeɪtɪd] 动画电影 22, Toy Story 3 《玩具总动员3》 23, highest-grossing adj 票房收入最高的 24, Pixar:Pixar Animation Studios [piksa:] [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn] 皮克斯动画工作室 25, sequel [ˈsiːkwəl] (小说、电影等的)续篇;续集 26, Alice in Wonderland:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 27, hit n 红极一时的人物或事物;成功 28, release [rɪˈliːs] v&n (影片、唱片、书籍的)发行 29, attendance figure 出席人数;观影人数 30, The Hangover 《宿醉》 31, Pirates of the Caribbean [ˈpaɪərəts] [ˌkærɪˈbi:ən] 《加勒比海盗》 32, The UN resolution联合国这项决议 33, international intelligence 国际情报 34, law enforcement [ɪn'fɔ:smənt] 法律执行 35, state [steɪt] 国家 (文中:成员国) 36, police [pəˈliːs] v监督;维持(某地)的治安 37, financier [faɪˈnænsɪə(r)] n 财政家;金融家 38, criminal offense [ˈkriminəl əˈfens] 刑事犯罪 39, freeze [friːz] v 冻结(钱或资产) 40, sponsor [ˈspɔnsə(r)] v担保或赞助(某人/某事物)


News 16 A joint committee will soon seek further cooperation between Egypt and Spain in industry, trade, investment and science and technology. Egyptian economic sources said the two sides will discuss the possibility of setting up a joint business council when the Egyptian-Spanish Higher Committee meets in the first half of September in Madrid, Spain. The business council is aimed at balancing bilateral trade by expanding trade volume.

News 17 The number of North Americans who went to the cinema in 2010 was around 5% down on the 2009 total, figures show. Box office analysts forecast 1.35 billion tickets will be sold by the end of the year, down on the 1.42 billion sold in 2009. It is the biggest year-on-year drop since 2005, making 2010 the second-lowest attended year of the decade. Yet box office revenues remained about the same at $10.6 bn, due to increased ticket prices. Animated movie Toy Story 3 was the highest-grossing film of the year at the U.S. box office, earning nearly $415m. The Pixar sequel, like the second highest-grossing title Alice in Wonderland, was one of several hit movies released in 3D. It is thought attendance figures in the U.S. and Canada will rise next year, when sequels to hit comedy The Hangover and Pirates of the Caribbean are released.

News 18 The UN resolution calls for greater international intelligence and law enforcement cooperation, and it requires states to change their banking laws in order to police the global network of terrorism financiers. It makes providing funds for terror activities a criminal offense and would freeze the bank accounts of those who sponsored terrorism.

昨日译文 News 14 探讨中国商机的经济论坛将于下周一在北京开幕,为期三天。届时,学者、商业领袖和政府官员等800多名代表将出席这一全球财富论坛。250多家外国企业有代表参加,其中有76家全球500强企业。该论坛由美国的《财富》杂志主办,每年举办一次。此次将是第10次,也是在中国举办的第三次。前两次分别于1999年和2001年在上海和香港举办。

News 15 经过五年的策划,奥运会的安保方案于本周在温哥华初步亮相。安保执行方面的预算资金为9亿美元,主要执行方是加拿大警察,这笔开支达到加拿大历史上的空前水平。一共会有15,000名警察、私人保镖及军事人员参与到安保行动中。冬季奥运会将于2010年2月12日至28日在温哥华举行。奥运会面临的最大威胁有可能是政治抗议行动。恐怖主义对奥运会造成威胁的可能性比较小。但1972年的慕尼黑奥运会所造成的阴影还未消退。那一年,某恐怖组织袭击了运动员居住的奥运村,夺走了11名以色列运动员及教练的生命。因此,在运动员们将要入住的低层公寓楼附近,出现防范尤为森严的治安巡逻队就绝非偶然了。在温哥华的商业区,一些道路已经被放缩,一些主要的比赛场馆已经围起了层层的保安围栏。为了能够探测到侵扰状况,围栏的上方共安装了900个监控摄像头。