
gigantic [dʒaɪˈgæntɪk] adj. 巨大的,庞大的; 巨人似的; 硕大无比; 排山倒海 giant [ˈdʒaɪənt] n. 巨人, 大汉, 巨兽 GOLF: Green, Oxygen, Light, Foot Gym: [dʒɪm] n. 健身房,体操馆



Only if the jobless arrive at the jobcentre with a CV register for online jjob search, and start looking for w ork w ill they be eligible for benefit.


n. 利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽 vt. 有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益

At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve Ross in 1992.

late: adj: 晚的, 迟的,已故的,最近的

This "added-worker effect " could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times

weather: vt: 经受住,使风化,侵蚀 adj: 露天的 ,迎风的

The large , slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction..

game: 猎物


  1. 词根词缀法
  2. 词源法
  3. 图片记忆法
  4. 联想法
  5. 易混词
  6. 一词多义、熟词辟义
  7. 同义反义法
  8. 大量阅读法



  • 迅速扩大词汇量
  • 精确理解词义
    1. 没有掌握该单词最本质含义而引起的多义
    2. 由于单词在使用过程中的演化导致多义
    3. 一个单词来自于不同语源导致的多义
  • 拼写、易混词区分

eg: anchor eg: buck

Prefix: a. 肯定、否定、b.方向; c.数字 前缀pro=forward , forth ,out; in favor of , in place of proficient adj.精通的

Suffix: 词性 后缀-able=能被。。。的,可被...的 credible adj.可信的,值得信任的

Root:意义 词根 sent, sens=to feel ganjue sensitive adj.有感知力的,能理解的,敏感的

aspect n. 方面,外观,观点 prospect n. 预想,期待的事物,v 勘探 perspective n. 展望,观点,看法,透视图, adj。预期的,未来的 conspicuous adj>显眼的,引人注目的,显著的 expect: v. 期待,预计,认为, 怀孕 inspect v.检查, 视察,检阅

respect n. 尊敬, 尊重,关系,方面 in some respects 在某些方面 with respect to 关于。。。。 respectable adj. 值得尊敬的,体面的,相当的 respectful ajd. 表示敬意的,恭敬的,有礼貌的 respective adj. 分别的,各自的,各个的

except prep. 除...之外 exception n. 例外,厌恶,反感 exceptional adj. 非 凡的 unexceptional adj. 非例外的,普通的 exceptionable adj. 引起反对的,可以反对的 unexceptionable adj 无懈可击的,完美无缺的,极好的

apprehend v. 逮捕,理解,忧虑,担心 apprehension n. 逮捕,理解,忧虑,担心 apprehensive adj. 理解的,不安的,忧虑的 comprehend vt. 理解,包含 comprehensive adj. 综合的,广泛的 comprehensible adj. 可理解的

英仍换字法 英语属于日耳曼语系

  • 元音字母的替换规律
  • 辅音字母的替换规律 换字后单词或柌 根含义不变 或在原词义附近


  • a,e,i,y
    • eg. fly & flight
  • o,u
    • eg. bind & band & bond & bundle


  • b,p,f,v,ph,h
    • eg. description & describe
  • s,t,d
    • eg. extend & e extent & extension
  • r,l,n
  • c,g,k,qu
  • c,s


  • m,n,u,v,y,w
  • y,j,g
    • eg. yard & garden
  • f,t
  • a,c,ct,g
    • eg. 词根ag(= do , act ) & act


  1. adroit adj. 灵巧的,熟练的,巧妙的,机灵的
    • 法语droit: 右手---英语 adroit(有技巧的,通常指脑力劳动方面)
    • 法语gauche:左手--英语gauche(笨拙的,粗鲁的,不善交际的,多指社交方面而非身体方面)
  2. dexterous adj. 有技巧的,手灵巧的
    • 拉丁语 dexter: 右手--英语 dexterous(巧,多指肢体上的)
    • 拉丁语sinister: 左手--英语sinister(不吉祥的,不幸,unlucky, inauspicious) sinister adj. 险恶的,邪恶的,危险的,左边的


  1. coma n. 昏迷, 深度无知觉,迟钝,冷漠 puma
  2. robust adj.精力充沛的 ;强壮的健康的
  3. gust n. 一陈强风;感情的迸发 v. 劲吹




  1. bucolic adj. 乡村的,田园的 bull(公牛) + cow(奶牛)

  2. oust vt .罢出, 撤职,驱逐 out + stand

  3. conundrum n. 难解之谜


veracious adj. 一贯诚实的 词根ver = true(真实) veritable adj. 真正的,名副其实的 verify vt. 核实 , 证实,证明 voracious adj. 贪婪的,如饥似渴的 词根vor=to eat(吃) carnivore n. 食肉动物 herbivore n. 食草动物


address n. 地址; vt. 演讲,处理 advantage n. 优势,占优势 take advantage of 对。。。加以利用,欺骗,占便宜 appreciate v. 感激,欣赏, 意识到; 抬高..价格,涨价 check v.核实, 检查, 控制,阻碍 claim: v. 声称,要求,索赔 harbor n. 海港,避难所; vt. 窝藏 husband n. 丈夫; vt. 节省, 节俭; 节俭地管理(或经营) obscure adj. 模糊的,鲜为人知的,不出名的,复杂难懂的 express vt. 表达。 adj 快递的,急速的,快捷的

一词多义 absent = ab(away) + sent(bing存在)

* 唯物  : 不在场的
* 唯心 : 心不在焉的,漫不经心的

* 连锁发展  buck: 雄鹿-美元-跳跃-反抗、抵抗

  • 多词源 pen
    • 母天鹅,笔-撰写,作家
    • 圈,围栏,监牢

总结考研词汇备考方法 单词到底怎么背

  • 熟悉单词
  • 不断重复
  • 熟词辟义总结
  • 易混词区分
  • 配合做题感受语境与考法


大家都知道考研英语的素材来源绝大多数都来源于英美主流报刊杂志,比如The Economist 《经济学人》 Bloomberg Business Week《商业周刊》、Nature 《自然杂志》 The Wall Street Journal《华尔街邮报》、The New York Times《纽约时报》等。 其实生活中培养一些英语阅读习惯,看美剧,看talk show等,沉浸在英文环境中,不知不觉中你的词汇量便会大大提升。 所以本次公开课将给大家介绍推荐各方面的英文材料, 让大家在平时拿起手机放松时也能提升词汇量。


政冶,宗教,太专业的不出,太散文,小说的也不出 一般喜欢文学,经济,生活类的,体育类的

先扫一下,泛读,或看结构等, 跳几篇精读


出自The Atlantic里面的文章: What's a Language, Anyway?

What's the difference between a language and a dialect? is there s ome kind of technical distinction. the way there is between a quasar and a pulsar, or between a rabbit and a hare ? Faced with the question, linguists like to repeat the grand old observation of the linguist and Yiddishist Max Weinreich, that "a language is a dialect with an army and a navy."

But surely the difference is deeper than a snappy aphorism suggests. The very fact that "language" and "dialect" persist as separate concepts implies that linguists can make tidy distinctions for speech varieties worldwide, But in fact , there is no objective difference between the two: Any attempty you make to impose that kind of order on reality falls apart in the face of real evidence.


Word of the Day

disembark adj 1. go ashore; 2. exit a vehicle

The opposite of disembark is:

  • suffer
  • board
  • benefit
  • labor

China Daily 是中国人写出来的外文报文


- adjective: being or affecting only a part ; not total
- adjective: showing favoritism
- adjective: (followed by "of" or "to") having a strong preference  or liking for

[ˈpɑ:ʃl] adj. 部分的; 偏爱的; 偏袒的; 钟爱的 n. [数学]偏微商

The opposite of partial is: fair 公正的 -brisk -cheery -fair -lovely


  • 小说
  • 传记 * 畅销书


Quora - 知乎 Google - 百度 IMDB - Mtime (影评) Pocket 缓存

要读一手资料,其 它中文资料读得最多也只能读到80%或90%


  • MOOC
  • Coursera * TED ()

视频资料-Talk Show

  • Ellen show

视频资料-美剧 《纸牌屋》 fuzzy adj. 模糊的(图片、图像、声音等),(人,思路)糊涂的,绒软的 blur v.n. 模糊 eradicate [ɪˈrædɪkeɪt] vt. 根除 bipartisan [ˌbaɪpɑ:tɪˈzæn] adj. 两 党的,两派的 devastated [ˈdevəsteɪtɪd] v. 严重破坏,彻底摧毁 adj.毁坏的; 极为震惊的

《Friends》 第一季第一集

  • hump n. 驼背
  • hairpiece n.假发
  • figure 认为(figure out)
  • intestine n. 肠子; adj. 内 部的,国内的
  • aura n. 气息
  • fixate v. 注视(fixate on)
  • murky adj. 郁闷的 n. 阴暗
  • hysterical adj. 歇斯底里的,情绪激动的
  • bridesmaid n.伴娘
  • metaphor n. 比喻
  • wandering adj. 神专恍惚的,漫游的; n. 流浪; v. 走神,开小差
  • weird adj. 奇怪;
  • shred v. 撕碎
  • upbeat adj. 乐观的,愉快的;


  • go through 经历, 通过,仔细检查 -freak out 吓坏了
  • drift apart疏远,各奔东西,漂离
  • figure out 断定,弄明白,算出
  • fall off 减少,跌落
  • let go of 松手;
  • hit on 勾引,搭讪
  • turn on 吸引,打开
  • cut off 中断
  • rip out 扯掉
  • spell out 详细说明
  • live off 靠...生 活
  • crush on 暗恋,迷上,看上


音频资料 Stitcher Podcast Billboard


  • Quizzitive
  • Word A Day

小游戏 Crossword Heads up


GRE首要问题: 怎么背单词

  1. 精确认知: 不是简单对应汉语意思,而是知道确切含义
  2. 快速反应: 达到intuitive的程度,GRE对阅读速度的要求是120words/min.
  3. 正确理解:不同语境中,能对应词汇不同的含义

characterization : 人物的刻画 monarch: 君主 empathy : 同理心 rhetoric: 修辞的 cultivate: 栽植 administrate :管理,经营,实施 chrysanthemum : 菊花

GRE词汇 阅读高频, 填空高频

专业词汇 glucose: 葡萄糖 quantum: 量子 calcium: 钙 vertebrate: 脊柱动物 carnivore:食肉动物 herbivore:食草动物 suffrage: 选举权 assimilation: 同化 tribal: 部落的 aquifer: 蓄水层 litigation: 诉讼 glacial: 冰期的,冰川的

抽像词汇 approach: characterization character claim baggage claim

单词记忆方法 记根词缀法 词源法 图片记忆法 联想法 易混词 一词句多义,熟词辟义 同义反义法 大量阅读法

单词: 4月底之前我看完了恋练有词14年视频,百词斩背完了考研核心,专业词汇,托福和雅思核心 5月开始背一个单元 阅读:6~7月,做了96到04 8~9月,做了05到13 11月中旬,14年全套模考 12月初,15全套模考

第一大关:单词 第二大关:阅读 第三大关:作文,仿写经典范文, 自己写


政冶: 至少过一遍红宝书,1000题+真题,关注时事政冶、动态


paraphrase 英 [ˈpærəfreɪz] 美 [ˈpærəˌfrez] n. 释义,意译; 演释曲 vt. 改述 vi. 意译; 改述

never doubt me -> trust me


  1. 同义词(同词性)
  2. 变换词性(同词根) 3.否+反
  3. 相关信息推倒: 包含,因果,举例,数据,功能介绍(单词-》词组-》句了)

children = young people = aged from 5 to 18 fishing practice = fishing policy expert = biologist with expertise help in variouse ways = working in observation, office work and other things



period = cycle = era = age 年代 molten = hot = heat = boiling/boiling hot = scalding /scalding hot 熔化的 lack = do not exist = not enough = scarce = inadequate = insufficient = in short supply 缺乏的 specific = be more explicit = elaborate 详细的,特定的 encourage = persuade = persuasion = influence = get s omebody to do something = talk simboldy into = put somebody up to 鼓励


Phonics Kids 自然拼读

oops 哎哟 ,我勒个去 hooray. 欢呼, 欢呼吧; 好哇;


itanlic [ɪˈtælɪk] 印刷字体)斜体的; (书写)整齐尖细的; (I-)古意大利的 n.斜体字 etalic


牛津阅读树: 单词:读准音,会拼写 口语:兴趣大,发音准 听力:听得准,反应快

february 英 [ˈfebruəri] 美 [ˈfebrueri] n.二月

media room resources room 英 [rɪ'sɔ:sɪz] 美 [rɪ'sɔ:sɪz] n. 来源; 勇气; 才智; 谋略; 有助于实现目标的东西; 资源( resource的名词复数 ); [复数]物力; 办法

media room 半元音连读

Would you Could you


【ts】听到檫音就是复数 ts: cats students hats boats seats boots Walt's Stuart's sits waits wants tz: Switzerland

[dz] ds:电波音: beds hands friends seeds cards Ted's reads needs sends mends finds lends

[tr] tr: tree travel trousers truth try train truck treat trade street introduce country


dr: dry dream drink drive dress drop drown dragon drug draw drum hundred

draw: [drɔ:] dream: [dri:m]

Would you Could you Nice to meet you Next year Last year

[tʃ] first year students next year last year

secnod year students. third year students.

dʒ I need you. I hate you. I told you so.


自拍,低头族,男闺蜜,经济适用男, 脑残粉,同性婚姻,拼孩儿,人际泡沫,选逛网店再购物,虚拟现实,老爹肚,神烦狗, 后 捂脸,大爷式占痤,刷剧,在现实世界里,颜控,不辞而别,备胎,FYI, 派生词现象

selfie 自拍照 selfie stick 自拍照 cutie 萌物 bestie 闺蜜 foodie 吃货 smoothie 果昔 sweetie 亲爱的、 sweetheart/honey walkie talkie 对讲机 hoodie帽衫 okie dokie 没问题

sissy 娘炮 cissy 小白脸

dirty 脏的 earthy 土气的 shitty 像屎一样的 dusty 落满灰尘的 ashy 像灰一样的 bushy 浓密的



  1. 关于打猎,抓捕
  2. 部落、分配、奖罚
  3. 天地异象、观测、猜想
  4. 神明、演绎、编故事




    Stone 石头 Stab 刺穿 Sting 刺痛(stinky) Stake 棍子 Cast 投 Catch 抓住 Carry 扛 Climb 爬山 用手来爬 ,攀岩的意思 Cut 斩 Many 多 Million 百万 Mountain 山 Monster 怪

World 世界 Wind 风 Weather 天气 Wild 野 Vent 风口 Voice 声音 Vocation 职业 Vow 发誓

JOB(Just over broken)

Pin 针 Pine 松树 Pineapple 菠萝 Punch 打孔 Puncher 打孔 Pen 笔 Punish

Splash 溅 Spill 溢出 Spout 喷出 Sprout发芽

Calve 刻, Cling 紧贴 Captive 俘虏 Clip 回应针

Magic 魔术 Majestic 宏伟 Miracle 奇迹

Wor 哇 Worderfule极奶的人 Win 胜利

Vivid 有活力的 Vote 投票 Vouch 担保

Punish 惩罚 Point 点 Pierce 刺穿 Poke 刺

用旧词记录新词:串联与联想 字母记忆法的必要性

interstellar 英 [ˌɪntəˈstelə(r)] 美 [ˌɪntərˈstelə(r)] adj. 星际的;恒星际

stella interstella constellation constantly continuously

字母演绎法: 字母C可以表达的几种意思:

  1. 表示“手”; “抓”
  2. 表示“人力”,能力
  3. 表示关起来
  4. 表示关心
  5. 表示灾难

Cat Catch catchy 朗朗上口胡 catchphrase 标语 capture 捕获 calm 沉着(抓着自己的胳膊) camouflage(伪装抓着好多树枝) casual 随意(从sure中随机抓取) circle 圆circumstance calibrate 校准(抓出太自由的) catalogue 目录(抓出逻辑) cauldron 大锅(拿起来扔进去) cook 做饭(抓起来炖烂)

canal 运河(挖出坑) canoe 小木舟(挖出洞漂流) cap 给。。。戴帽 captain 船长 capability 能力 captivate 迷住

cabin 小屋 cabinet 内阁 cave 洞穴 can 罐头 cavernous 像洞一样的 cage 地牢(地上挖坑) cajole 诱骗(捏造喜悦) cargo 货物(用手盖上布) car 装货的车厢 carriage 四轮马车 cart 二轮马车 carton 用箱子装

care 看着货,关心 careful 小心 careless 马虎 carefree 无忧无虑 career 操心的事儿,职 业

censure 责难(用手指出) calamity 灾难(lam 鞭打;lame跛足) catastrophe 大灾难(stro冲击)


  1. 表示“喷洒"
  2. 表示”滑"

spat 吐口水 spit 吐痰 sputter 吐沫飞溅 spitton 痰盂 spread 散播 spate 洪水,大雨 spill 溢出 spurm 泡沫 spot 斑点

splash 溅 sprinkle 洒 spray 喷 sparge 喷雾 spatter 洒 speck 五点 spew 呕吐 spit 吐痰

asperse 诽谤 disperse 分散 intersperse 点缀,散步 sprawl 蔓延 sprout 发芽 spore 孢子 sperm 精液 gymnosperm 裸子植物 angiosperm 被子植物

slip 滑倒 slide 滑动 sled 雪橇 sledge 雪橇,大的,好几个人用的 slope 斜坡 sleeve 袖子

字母演绎泽:表示手势的就赚 字母M/W: 上帝造人和人性懦弱

  1. M表示双手捏
  2. W表示双手捧
  3. M表示宏伟可怕
  4. W表示宏伟可怕
  5. 女性崇拜

Man 上帝造出的人 mold 模子 medicine mend 修补 mill 打磨 manage 管理,掌握 make 开天辟地 manipulate 操控 manner 风俗,规矩 manor 领地 mansion 大厦 manual 手工 manuafacture 制造 treadmill 英 [ˈtredmɪl] 美 [ˈtrɛdˌmɪl] n. 踏车;单调的工作;(锻炼身体的)跑步机 windmill windmill 英 [ˈwɪndmɪl] 美 [ˈwɪndˌmɪl] n. 风车;旋转玩具;<口>直升飞机

moon 月亮 month 月份 menopause 更年期 melon 瓜 watermelon 西瓜 mole 痣 mobile 滚动胡 motion 动作 motivation 动机 move 移动

wing 翅膀 water 水 wine 酒 welcome 欢迎 want 想要 wash洗 wave 浪花 work 与make 对应(表示神性消失)

magic 魔术 marvel 奇迹 miracle 奇迹 myth 神话 mysterious 神奇的 magnificent 华丽的 majestic 宏伟的 marvelouse 了不起的 main 主要的 master monster 怪物,巨人 mad 发狂 malicious 恶意的 malignant 恶性的

wonderful 好极了 wind 大风 world 世界 weather 天气 weald 旷野 wight 勇敢的 warlock 术士 will 意志;愿望 wealth 财富 wail 哀嚎 war 战争 warn 警告

mother 妈妈 milk 具有神性的液体:奶 maternal 母性的, 哺乳的 mammal 哺乳动物 mature 成熟 maid 少女 matrimony 婚姻生活 marry 结婚 Amazon 亚马逊 ,古希腊女战士

woman 女人 ewe 母羊 womb 子宫 widow 寡妇 wife 妻子


mouse /mice 老鼠 more 更多 most 最多 mix 混乱 meddle 管闲事儿 middle 之音 whole 全 部 whore 妓女 who/where/what/why 疑问 waft 飘荡 wag 摇摆 wiggle 摆动


  1. p表示破
  2. p表示脚
  3. p表示一对
  4. r表示展开

acupuncture 针灸 pounce 突袭 pedal 脚踏板 impede 带上脚镣,阻碍 tripod 三脚架 expediton 远足 pedicure 足底治疗 pair parallel 平行线 paragraph 段落 paramount 至高无上的 parasite 寄生虫 puddy 小狗 pet 宠物 pararazzi 狗仔队 paparazzi 英 [ˌpæpə'rætsɪ] 美 [ˌpæpə'rætsɪ] n. 专门追逐名人的摄影记者( paparazzo的名词复数 )

pace 步子,节奏 pass 穿过 path 小道 surpass 超越; millipede 千足虫 pedestrain 人行道 (抬脚的地方) pediatric 儿科 encyclopedia 百科全书 pedant 博学的,学究的

r:挥手动作 round 绕圈 range 范围 reign 王权 rule 统治 refer 涉及,参考 right 对的,右 wrong 错的 rally 团结 rank 排名 race 比速度

printer errand sterility cost-effective coil extensive uncover heap meatpacking diet usher scholarly ambergris lute biodiversity outermost tug representation stationery fume Mesopotamia pacific superficial exciting unconscious contrast inexspensive cheque twilight luthier acquaint equilibrium instruments cutting-edge a raft of indiscriminate Archaeological turbine rag heaven sparrow keeper nasty headquarters foreign physician lest January shilling prompt effort synthetic tuek undermine comfrontation hold compensate Einstein hail Scandal humanity chute grave decline pharmacy choleric hallmark wetland destine uphold terrace barter impoverishment adolescent adore advisert aeriala aesthetic affiliate agitate agoad agony aisle allege alloy aluminum ambassadorn amiable anguish antenna appal appraisal arrogant artery ascertain assassinate assurance astonish attorney auxiliary awen bait barrel beneficial benignant beverage bibliography blade bleak blossom blunder blunt bosom boycott brim bronzen brutal bully bureau bureaucracy calcium canaux carbohydrate caress carpenter carrot catastrophe casualty catheral celebrity cemetery census ceral champagne chorus circumference circus clarity closet clumsy clutch coalition collar colonel commemorate commerciala commodity compartment complicate comrade consession conscientious concensus conspicuous conspiracy consultant contempt

imitation peripheral acculturation hypothesis Audiolingual applied faculty mentality deductive rote-learning ora inductively sensory syllabus foster graded consolidation retionale naturalistic spontaneous Drill-based choral Elicitation substitution programme Fries exhaustively stimulus reinforcement mimicry Repetition chain drill Boredom decline Noam innate unconsciously strategies paraphrasing discrimination intonation personalized impromptu role-play anxiety precedes comprehensible humanistic conversational concentrate distinct socio-cultural anthentic facilitator advisor negotiator empathy skimming unscrambling Realistic tailor Fossilization Pragmatics proficiency imperative silent aural counselor counseling non-defensive Desuggesting atmosphere tension community abandon curriculum recitation Junior Senior Spiral assumptious subsidiary duality stimuli leveled spiraling

savvy novice confidential underfunded prorate preventive addendum meticulously eligible geniunely rigged eliminate dynamo schematic propriety fidelity off-the-shelf stochastic touch down not surprisingly competitive prices downplay commedable rough road conscientious ridiculous immoral sex-specific irregular periods stroke childbirth liquor minor fine pioneering fume soot instrusion acquaintances be preoccupied with ostrich soulmate intimacy genuinely supernatural counteract hand down preserve this craft substance commercialy available seal off troubleshooter abusive draughtswoman clerical my mind would just go blank payout odor garment spin cycles chromosome genome bizarre exposition quotation Biographical relevance preliminary citatious parentheses endnotes expository causal

similarity society alliance amateur strategy albet bloat leverage crunch Dont' crunch your food to crunch the gears wearing helmets was made mandatory for cyclists to be a testmonial to something He is an evangelist for health foods biennial sentiment reinforcement vulnerability victim assassination unveiling ergonomics lineage parlance premium ephemeral heuristic brute force actuarial work hydrology anthropology archaeology crystallography meteorogy ophthalmology epidemiology fisheries research psychophysics qualitative data quantitative data observational data experimental data cross-sectional data time series data population empirical variable theoretical variable probability sampling stratified sampling cluster sampling systematic sampling sampling error contingency table pareto chart cumulative percentages class width central tendency quartile geometric mean variation rate outlier skewness coefficient of skewness kurtosis coefficent of kurtosis random event certain event impossible event discrete continuous binomial distribution Bernoulli trials poisson distribution Point estimate interval estimate confidence interval confidence level confidence coefficient unbiasedness consistency parameter estimation hypothesis testing alternative hypothesis contingency table correlation coefficient analysis of variance linear correlation coefficient pearsons' correlation coefficient estimated regression equation method of least squares goodness of fit estimated multiple regression equation adjusted multiple coefficient of determination time series stationary series seasonality seasonal fluctuation entrepreneurial beleaguered povoting hustle intermittent insightful excerpt painkiller versus vitamin apathy triage monetize diabetic nefarious quadrant pantry dilemmas toss moms rainbow niche megahits dislocation incumbent proposition fetishize testflight commonalities fidelity inscrutable envision braille dexterity imperative spammy non-intrusive itch endowment effect crowdsourcing evangelizers yelp tangible lopside introverts extroverts

introspection narrative dilated bleeding-edge predilection pointer trigonometric hallmark permutation turtle proposition spurious nullify tamper to tamper with sth, to tamper with a jury eager wheel to reinvent the wheel disseminate agnostic recipe curate harness to work in harness with sb to die in harness tsunami lucrative sanitize meteorological introspection sentiment racist sentiment commoditize dermatologists operationalization clutter neophyte mutate ternary obfuscated detrimental tuple penultimate mangle pathological syntactical amorphous quibble cartesian jumble sloppy sparingly tractable brevity jeopardize paradigm ledger stake heterogenous quadratic grasshopper gazebo polynomial avid taxonomy spaghetti paradigms polymorphism panacea completeness inexpensive gotchas inadvertently defer vegetarian crust ease caterer florist cuisine intermediate surrogate malicious celery interpose denim gearup enthusiast amendment sluggish inadvertent collated beverage undertake itinerary Euclidean quaternion lucrative gist shelve screw up donna whet mundane clumsy subtly benevolent coercion cananical provisional gripe forensics penetration apprentice condiment conerstone stale takeaway viscose connotation tangle flame flame war heuristics metaheuristics allosteric malleable virtuous detangle demographic absurd agitate anecdote anguish appal arrogant articulate benign bleak blouse bosom breach brutal caress cemetery chancellor choke coalition compliment conspicuous contemplate contradict cordial coupon criterian curb curiosity desolate dubious eccentric eligible eloquent eminent entrepreneur escalate excessive exotic exquisite fabulous fantasy feminine fragrant frustrate futile gaol garlic guage glamor grieve harassment homogeneous huddle humiliate hypocricy hysterical illiterate impetus industrial ingenious intermittent intrigue judicial junk lapse layman legitimate limp liquor lubricate lumber magistrate magnificent malignant marital massacre menace merchandise metaphor metropolitan mistress monotonous mosquito municipal nationality nitrogen notorious numb obscure optimum ornament orthodox outrage pact panorama paraden paradigm parliament patriotic patron pedestrian pendulum penetrate perish permeate perpetual persecute pessimistic petroleum pierce pilgrim piston plight pneumonian porcelain poultry pregnant prestige priest propaganda prosecute psychiatry quench raid reassure recede reciprocal reconcile regime rehearsal religious relish renaissance repertoire reptile resent resolute retrospect revenge revolution rhythm ridge robe rotary sack sacred sacrifice sanction sane sarcastic satire scarce scramble screw scrutiny security shabby shallow sham shed shiver shove shrewd siege signify skeptical slippery sly soar sober solidarity solitary sovereign specimen spectacle speculate spontaneous spur squirrel stab stale statute stern strenuous strife stroll stubborn subtle superficial superfluous superiority superstition susceptible suspicious sympathetic symposium symptom syndrome tactic tariff technician terrible terrific theoretical thermometer threshold thrill thrust tissue tobacco tremble tremendous trench trifle trumpet turbulent ultraviolet unanimous vacant vaccum velvet ventilate versatile vicious vigorous vocabulary voluntary vulgar wardrobe wicked witch wreath wrech pregnant vocal beneficial thriving ethusianstic influential innovative athletic labour-consuming damp punctual insufficient sensitive aggressive compulsory contributory prolific permanently allergic ambiguous ambitious ancient archaeological artificial artistic atmospheric bald barren blond buried coastal corrupt dairy direct efficient enthusiastic genetic hazardous herbivorous inaccurate intact intensive irregular irritable magnificent martial migratory moderate occupational organic precious promising psychiatric psychological purest rare resistant sacked scarce seasoned self-funded self-sufficient smelly solar soundproof spare species spiral stout stressful streching theoretical unanimous unconvincing unique violent worthwhile efficiently physically professionally virtually marital binning discrepancy cuboid food allergirs pony riding semi-synthesised damp soil marine plants growth spurts lowest carbon Tomb Raider ski resort archaeological site cone head medical stiches tap water leaking pipes organi food ancient mirro peak season exotic species aerial photographs ice rink persiardye special ingredients bumble bee beach liens nomad clothing shell and nail costume party cuisine festivals chef essay writing insufficient banknote diploma course ancient shells brick making camptent smack kit coasta moa stout-legged moa consistency partition tolerance phoenix EPHemeral Discretized Estimator Dimensionality Density allergy alley ankle Antarctica ape aristocrat atlaz auditorium bachelor badmintor baldness beard bedsit beverage bibliography blanket blouse bcarder brochures bungalow burglar cabinet cage candidate canteen capsule career carpet cashier castle cathedral chancellor charity chest chin chocolate clarity cliffs clinic coash colleage comedy commercial congestion conqueror contaminants controversy corpse costume cot council creek crocodile cultivation cupboard curtain cutlery debate debt decorations dentist desire dining dioxide discos disease dish donkey elbow emperor employee encyclopedia epidemic ethic excursion exposure facility falcon fan fare feather ferries flooding flour flourish forestry fortnight foyer garage garbage gasoline germ gesture handout hen herb heroine hike hiking hospital housing households hunting infection injury inland insomnia instructor interviewer investigator irrigation jam jeanz journal judge junior kelp kiosk koala landmark lava lecturer leisure lemon lender loan lounge loyalty majority mane marsh mat maturity migration mileage mineral mill monopoly morality mosquito moustache muscle museum naught northease northwest nursery nutrition occupant oculist ointment overdraft oxsford pal parcel passages passenger pedestrian pension pensioners perfume periodical perk pet physician pianist picnic pink planners plastic pollutant pollution particulars petroleum philosopher potteries powerpoint precision preposition preservation priority prone prospectus protein psychiatrist psychologist purse radiator rat rats recipe recreation recruit referee refuge renewal rental restaurant reflectance psychotherapy safari salads sandal scandal scent schedule scheme secretary seminar sewage sewer shoplifters shower skating skeleton ship snap southeast southwest spider stack starting steak sting stomach subsidy suburb sunshield supervisor surgeon survey sweater syndicate syrup tablet jargon temple galaxy therapist therapy thriller timber toaster tomato tourism towel tower tranc tragedy trailer traveller tribe trinity trolley tuition tutor umpire utensil vacancy particulars velvet vet vinegar visa vitamin waist wasp wasteland weeds weekday weekend welfare wetland whale wheel willows workforce wound yoga youth prosperous souvenir prosperity copper cassete transparency eraser dealer pamper frock debut ease maneuver ethusiasm extravagance stow bracelet jewelry outlet hassle rip off sweat it out moderate brooch violet hostility coupon aisle brick-and-martar reluctant astute itimidating prominent expertise add-on guru tremble inconceivable barrier bulky obselet compatible gadget rock bottom price territory statute veteran patriot prosthetic resort correspondent sober irritation talent blits like-minded exhausted specializein kick in christianity ticketing counter avenue bakery wagon crane congestion majestic unobstructed immense biplane trio tidal acre cemetery diplomat grandeur the capitol vietnau and korean breathtaking breadfinish british council british museum domestic violence double lock disabled access dropout rate dress code dress rehearsal drinks and snacks drop-off site EI Nino education exhibition electricity bill emergency contact person endangered species engrave enrollment fee entrance fee environmental issues environmentally-friendly excercise one's muscles exhibition of instruments express train ethical film eye contacts essay plan extinct species family medical history family abuse fancy dress party falcons farewell party fear of unemployment feel one's pulse femal corpse study field trip field work financial affairs fine arts fine texture fire blanket fire drill first aid kit fish tank fitness level flexible working time flowers' taste flying craft formal clothes fortnight damping factor kidney problems wild animal population triangle shape night club tented accommodation volcanic dust mineral soil note-taking skills skeloton coast refreshment and souvenir avenue of flags added panic agrarian reform ant intelligence antibiotics and acid air shuttle bus Arctic Ocean Altantic Ocean arm badge artistic approach assume the responsibility area for improvement bowls Backelor's degree Baked Earth barbecue set be allergic to sth bed linen black tea black trousers black velvet boarding school bowling alley botanical garden broaden one's horizon broaden one's view bus pass business ethics business trip circulation desk callslip cannot meat the deadline cartires carbon dioxide casual wear cater to catering facilities central heating charitable organization charity hospital chest infection Church Road chequebook circus performance city council commuters conquerors clear argument coarse texture colleagues closed shelves close-book exam closed-reserve collection tank college close-up common residence compulsory course connecting flight concert hall contact lenses coping with stress corporate loan cost effective costume party cover the cost craft goods culture shock customs service dark trousers date of expiry date slip day pupil day shift desire tolearn dining hall distant deadline distinguishing feature distribution of population acrobatics circus jewelry electric appliance entainment favorite way of communication language of flowers restaurant theater trouper acrobatic theatre an adventurous person daredevil skydiving parachute timid bungee jumping afraid of height seek thrills have more curiosity diamond necklace non-profitable follow social norms ruin the credit advertiser billboard brochure flyer promo alcohol sneakers skywriting editorial page news hole daily circulation press conference news blockout press coverage attention-getter neon-light advertisement junk mail glossy advertisement matrimonial notice marriage announcement vacant point-of-purchase media parking meter exaggerate the functions cause the negative mood of audiences update their belongings pursue luxuries full of imagination gain good value identify objects in nature specific nature of flowers gifted people have the peace of mind theoretical knowledge debt Calculus hholography hospice Biotechnology Aquaculture Glorious Cyberspace Airpine perceived determine appreciable architect architectures aristocrat artifact flora Meronymy Aluminum Soggy Moist arid parched sere decidedly intensely Polysemy hygiene Stella astral Sidereal perception entailment mumble experimencer edible nickel counage budage Commonality Clausal Aggregation shuffle Smurf neptune

hygiene stumble hindsight effect captain hindsight hindsight legitimate scrutiny fantastic gibberish coveralls plethora agbistuc incorporate morphological growth mindset portfolios kinetics cartographic fluorescene harmonic chardal curated whimsical thermodynamics illumination siesmology acoustic glacial agnostic divergence theorem consortium