玩国外Social Media也能学英语

  • 社交网络词汇
  • 国外职业社交网络与找工作
  • 国外休闲社交网络与博主推荐
  • 雅思口语社 交网络

Most Westerners , when they think of social media, they think of websites such as Facebook and Skype, where people come together and communicate via text messages or video chat. Social media is a place where non-native English speakers can hone their English skills with native English speakers.

What is social media; Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create , share , or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks.

Social Media Vocabulary

  • Make a post
  • make a video
  • Share a post/picture
  • Post a picture
  • Comments(s)
  • Make a comment
  • Like
  • Retweet
  • Forward to...
  • Go viral
  • Blogger
  • Vlog
  • Vlogging channel
  • Vlogger
  • Tag
  • Hashtag#
  • Mention@

I made a post on microblog yesterday.

Since I've made a post on microblog yesterday, it has gone viral.

The post I have made has received a plenty of comments.

hit a like

Eight reasons why you should network

  1. Driving Word-Of-Mouth Recommendations
  2. Encouraging
  3. Finding Business Partners
  4. Understanding Study/Job/Market Opportunities
  5. Getting New Ideas and
  6. Finding Inspiration
  7. Improving Your Communication
  8. Making Great New Friends

Professional Social Media

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service. It is mainly used for professional networking.

休闲社交网络 Facebook Instagram Youtube Snapchat Twitter Skype Google+ Tumblr Flickr

YouTube is a video-sharing website IELTS Official IELTS from IDP Education Learn English with Emma Learn English with Rebecca

Beauty vloggers: TheGridMonster Tanya Burr Fleur DeForce Inthefrow

Fitness vlogging channels Blogilates Kara Corey Fit Life Nikki Blackketter

Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook , Twiitter, Tumblr, and Flickr.

Part1 一问一答,中间不能停超过2秒 Part2 Part3

Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy Prunciation

Part1: Speaking Part1

What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?

(directly answer the question) I mainly use WeChat, QQ, Microblog, and LinkedIn.(reason) All of them are excellent ways to keeep in touch with the people who are important to me .

What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

The kind of people who share my point of view on most major topics, Having similar opinions make us more compatible.

Are you a social person?

(directly answer the question)Within my circle of friends, yes- I would say that I'm a very social person. (the other side) Howerver I don't always make new friends easily.

What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use?

The most popular chatting apps in China are WeChat, QQ and Microblog, They're all excellent ways to keeep in touch with family and friends.

Describe a photo you've taken of yourself

  • Where you took it
  • When you took the photo
  • How you took it
  • And explain how you felt about the photo

I've probably taken hundreds of selfies in my life , but the one that stands out the most in my memory was taken last year while I was vacationing in Georgetown , Malaysia.

A selfies is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone and shared via social media.

The selfie was taken at a cafe named Selfie Coffee, which is so named because it specializes in printing selfie images on the cream that tops iced or hot coffee. The selfie was taken inside the cafe, utilizing a special camera that was provided by the cafe.

In the selfie., I was wearing a big smile and flashing a victory sign, with an indoor palm tree in the background. Since it was pretty hot in Malaysia, I was wearing a white sleeveless shirt, Within 10 minutes of snapping the selfie, the coffee was delivered to my table with my image printed on the foam that covered my latte. I then used my mobile phone to take a second selfie of myself sipping the latte, so I'd have a keepsake of the occasion.

  • keepsake a smalll item kept in memoory of the person who gave it or originally owned it .

This selfie stands out in my memory because it reminds me of a unique experience.