

  • 自我认知: 兴趣->职业观->能力->个性->成就
  • 就业准备 行业: 发展趋势,进入门槛 公司:发展状况、主要产品或服务、主要客户和服务对象(竞争对手)、文化、价值观、发展前景
  • MBTI职业性格测试

《现在发现你的优势》 《拆掉思维的墙》 《赢》




* Start from latest exp

  • "STAR"
  • Use data
  • Nor more than 1 page
  • Use formal font
  • Omit own




  1. 按要求;或
  2. 应聘职位-姓名-毕业院校(*年工作经验)

  3. 正文Cover Letter

  4. Heading

  5. Salutation
    1. E.g. Dear Jane Doe; or
    2. When dont' have a contact person
      1. Dear Hiring Manager
      2. To Whom It May Concern
  6. Body(1.2.3)
  7. Closing

  8. 附件-简历 *.pdf/doc(word2003-2007)


  1. Talent Measurement Solutions
  2. 专业技能测试


  1. Be prepared to interview
  2. Practice interviewing
  3. During the phone interview
  4. After the interview


自我介绍 Tell me about yourself

  1. Your Unique Selling Proposition(USP) [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃn].
  2. Be specific
  3. Be prepared (for follow-up questions)


  1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it throuph completion 举例说明, 你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。

  2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others to complete an important task , and played a leading role to achive the results you wanted. 描述一个例子,你团结了一群人共同努力,并为取得成功起到了带头作用。

  3. Describe a situation where you sought out relevant information, defined key issues, and decided on which steps to take to get the desired results. 描述一个例子,你找到相关信息,确定重点事项,然后决定了采取哪些步骤来获得满意的结果。

  4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure(获得) the agreement of others. 描述一个例子,证明你用事实去说明别人。

  5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important goal. 描述一个例子,证明你有效地与个合作, 共同完成了一件重要的事情。

  6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which significantly contributed to the success of an activity or project. 描述一个例子,你提供了一个创新的相法,使得某一个活二甲双胍或者项目取得了成功。

  7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities. 描述一个例子,说明你如何评估形势,并且把精力放在最重要的事情上,然后取得了比较好的结果。

  8. Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application. 描述一个例子,说明你如何获取了技能,并且把这些技能转化成实际应用。

Group Discussion(群面)

  • Three roles

    1. Group leader
    2. Group participants
    3. loser
  • Group Leader

    • Duties-facilitating the discussion

      1. State the purpose at the very beginning
      2. Set out a working schedule
      3. Keep an eye on the time
      4. Keep the discussion on track

      Execuse me . What do you mean by ...?

    • Duties: -be considerate of others

      1. "xxx, do you have any points to add"
      2. Eys-contact with EVERYONE
    • Conclude for the group when approaching the end .

  • Group Participants

    1. Group leader is also one of the participants
    2. Give neutral opinions at the beginning , and never try to conclude without sufficient discussion
  • Whenever you speak, recognize/appreciate others first

    1. I totally agree with *.
    2. I can't agree more at the point.
    3. Exactly!
    4. This is also one of my concerns.
  • When you disagree with others, still recognize/appreciate part of their opinions, and use "but"/ though
      * Though xxx could ... ,I still consider...
      * I agree with you that.. but what  if ....
  • Be more carefull when you disagree

    1. No rude cut-off
    2. Let them finish unless they are off the track
    3. If they fight back, do what you've done again, a nd look for a 3rd party's opinion.
  • When you are disagreed by others.

    1. Don't fight back rudely.
    2. Dont' easily change your standpoint.
    3. Don't give up when they cut you off, instead , support yoursefl with evidence(so pls do sufficient research and preparation)
  • When you don't have an idea/opini:
    1. Elaborate others' idean with more evidence/story/experience
    2. Try harder to be the group leader
    3. Never freeze! Nod works!

Cover Letter Case

January 30,2012

Mrs. Jane Smith Recruitment Officer The Corperaion 123 Pleasant Lane City. State 12345

Dear Mrs. Smith PARAGRAPH ONE: State the reason for the letter, name the position or type of work you are appliying for and identity the source from which you learned of the opening(i.e career development center, newspaper,employment service,personal contact).

PARAGRAPH TWO: Indicate why you interested in the position. teh company , it's products,services-above all, stress what you can do for the employer. If you are a recent draduate. explain how your 'academic background makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you have practical work experience, point out specific achievements or unique qualifications.' Try not to repeat the same information the reader will find in the resume. Refer the reader to the enclosed resume or application which summarizes your qualifications, training, and experiences. The purpose of this section is to strenghten your resume by providing details which brign your experiences to life.

PARAGRAPH THREE: Request a personal interview and indicate your flexibility as to the time and place. Repeat your phone number in the letter and offer assistance to help in a speedy response. For example, state that you will be in the city where the company is located on a certain date and would like to set up an interview. Alternatively, state that you will call on a certain date to setup an interview. End ther letter by thanking the employer for taking time to consider your credentials.

Sincerely yours,

Hohn Smith

encl: Curriculum vitae, employment form.

resume: 简历, 名称,动词